From Love Itself Radio

september energy update

August 25, 2021 Birhd Media
september energy update
From Love Itself Radio
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From Love Itself Radio
september energy update
Aug 25, 2021
Birhd Media

don't usually do these here but I feel like those who feel called will get it kinda, sending love and light as always. <3

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don't usually do these here but I feel like those who feel called will get it kinda, sending love and light as always. <3

Hey no matter what [singing doja cat]

find through the thunder line no burger man I brought it up okay hey guys what's up Welcome back to welcome back then the visitor from love itself radio I mean hey what was I thinking when we came into the room doji cat? What song? What is it called? It's the drug song I don't do drugs I do not do drugs by the way just in case anyone was ever curious it's just not my ministry I just don't subscribe I don't do that. Not my Not a fan. never been a fan never been it's never been a sampler it never been a dabbler. But if you do that's good on you. I don't get it has nothing to do with me. Oh, yeah. Hey guys, what's up? Welcome back to from love itself. Today I have a bottle of a more serious episode for you. It is not fun in games, contrary to the tone I began with. I don't know how to tell you guys this, but move on, literally move on. Like, I have spent I even like stuttered there. Maybe you shouldn't say it. But like basically, a big moment happened to me while I was doing the dishes because our dishwasher is currently kind of out of service. until it gets fixed in like, two hours. The whole thing was I was doing the dishes. What was me literally is at 1806 I'll know the vibes if you're like an immigrant child, like you gotta hit the dishes in the dishwasher was even an option was kind of like a big thing. And then I was like, going back to New York. Now I'm tired of this chat. But like really, like I just, you know, maybe we'll be back in January, God bless the luxury of having work from home and a job period. So anyway, there I am doing the dishes middle of the day, taking a little CST a little break, a little hiccup, a little coffee break, prefaced by the dishes. And it hit me like a ton of bricks that I had never made the conscious decision of moving on with my life after an almost relationship ended in March of 2020. So those that are you scurry is what have you been doing since March of 2020? I don't know sister surviving a parent dermer like what have you been hearing like I had never made the conscious decision to literally move on from this situation like I had just decided that whenever a new person showed up, obviously I've been working on myself and like doing the things that people do whenever things end and you have to go inside of your field and you have to find yourself and you have to do all this stuff. And it doesn't stop ever. And they tell you that after you do all of that then you'll be happy and then you'll be at peace and then boom someone will show up so I was like I did all that. Now I'm telling myself that I'm at peace. And now when someone shows up they're going to show up and I'm going to know who it is and it's going to be great and I'll just go on with my life bought the thing that no one tells you which I'm telling you now and this doesn't go just for around relationships it goes for whenever you end a major cycle in your life is that you cannot let the universe the world God you cannot let everything around you correct move you one with no participation from you. You got to make the decision because you are just as powerful in fact all of creation is waiting on you to make the decision just decide. So there I was I made the assertion I was like I am actually ready to move on from this because before I was just kind of passive about it like I just don't want to move on like in my head I'm over it in my body I'm over it everywhere. I'm over it over dot sec everything like get the feds on it lock it up. I'm done with it right.

I field it doesn't hurt anymore. I don't care I everything is blocked. It's rude. It's literally just non existent but I hadn't made that conscious decision actively to say I am moving on from this. So whatever it is in your life right now that you are looking at waiting for it to pass on its own sweetheart. Let me be the one to tell you. That is not going to pass until you sit there make the conscious assertion out loud when you are ready when it feels natural to say I am ready to move on from this. I am ready to get out of this place that I've been in for however long and I am going now. So I am ready. What that does is it literally releases you like giant gates open and you just naturally allow your body it's kind of like intuitive eating you let your body guide you you let your spirit body go. guide you where you are meant to go. Because now you are in agreement with the flow of life. It is resistance hidden resistance inside of you is you not getting into the flow or asserting with yourself that I am ready to move on from this. I am ready to keep going. I'm ready to get going. I am ready to get up. Do you see that? Do you see what's happening there? Anyway, all of that to say, whatever it is in your life, and this is not something that's I doubt this is an isolated incident, seemingly because like I just seem to like pick up on or like at God just like sends me stuff. And it just happens to be happening for like a lot of people. This is not something that's happening on accident, there's special energy, remember that like huge thing everyone was talking about, like a few weeks ago at the beginning of August. And it was called like the Lionsgate portal, whatever you want to call it, that special thing of energy. Like we've literally all transitioned and I don't know, if you felt like there has been like kind of a shift ish like in the air like you can kind of feel it. If you're like tuned into that frequency, you can feel that there has been a shift. And I have no idea where we are. But I just know damn well we are not where we used to be. And I love when people say that because I'm like, Girl, what fortune cookie Did you take that from? But I didn't take it from a fortune cookie, I'm telling you, and if you feel what you've been feeling, and you're like, Okay, but like I don't know what to do with this new energy. The biggest, biggest biggest thing is read yourself of resistance. If you see everybody going somewhere, we're going places and you're like, Oh, wait, like I want to go like let me just do that. Let me do it. But in your heart of hearts, you're like, I don't want to go anywhere. Do not go anywhere. Do not contradict your body's your spirits, natural compass, because right now it is calibrating to a frequency you have never experienced. And so your ego does not know what to do with it one and two, dual I can't even like the amount the magnitude of like, brilliance. And like amazingness that is about to like, literally unleash in your life is insane and intense. And I just really hope that like, get out of its way. Get out of its way. let it fill in all around you. I just did a YouTube video on this. If you want to watch it. Get out of its way. Exactly. Case in point. Okay, my house. As we all know, as I stated literally two weeks ago, I was not planning on being back on the Internet at all until maybe mid September. Because I was like, you know, I don't want to. But guess what, there I am back. Because what? Actually, time I post those, my video won't be up but I'll let you know. But you know when it is up, but should we up tomorrow? Or maybe I'll just put it up today because those are invisible constructs. Anyway. Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you get what I'm saying? You see what I did there? I literally got out of the way of the flow of whatever wants to come through and out to wherever it's going and get out of the way of what's happening right now. And I hope I don't sound like I'm screaming but like I feel like that guy in 2012 Do you remember the movie 2012 where there was that one guy who was like podcasting in his car about like the end of the world. Everyone's like this guy's so dumb bla bla bla bla bla, and he makes it to the end of the law. Exactly. So get out of the way of the flow of what's happening. Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way. Just like I said in a YouTube video that I did the other day that I uploaded was a short so I was like whatever, shut it down then that will be back on the internet because of it. But anyway, I did that and I said get out of throw away the plan. Get out of the way. That's literally the energy right now is get out of the way. If you know what is best for you. If you want what is best for you get out of the way. stop wanting things like just get out of the way. That's it. I love you guys so much and I will see you on