From Love Itself Radio

a season of expansion is long overdue

April 02, 2021 HYA Studios
a season of expansion is long overdue
From Love Itself Radio
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From Love Itself Radio
a season of expansion is long overdue
Apr 02, 2021
HYA Studios

in this episode zozo shares two voice notes recorded a few days apart, one in the middle of a rainstorm, another on a sunny day, all with the same message: allow yourself to grow into your next vibrational level, and do so mindfully. 

Show Notes Transcript

in this episode zozo shares two voice notes recorded a few days apart, one in the middle of a rainstorm, another on a sunny day, all with the same message: allow yourself to grow into your next vibrational level, and do so mindfully. 

Hey, guys. OK, so this is sort of if you haven't noticed, hey, what's up, visualizations? And I'll live on YouTube and. Me talking voice notes, voice memos now live here, so welcome, happy to have you and happy season to you and yours, your love, love, love, love and light. Lots of this is so weird because I'm usually so polished with the audio that I just had to share this and not wearing a wig currently. So I was just like, I'm not going to be going by camera, however. So I sort of had this moment. I don't know if it's the new moon. I don't know what it is exactly. I just know that I'm standing dead smack in the middle of, like an old version of me and the new version of me. You feel me. And so is talking to one of my friends. And yesterday I had an experience where I kind of like. How do I explain that? Yesterday, I had an experience where I was able to glimpse an old condition of my life, like PreK, like just an old condition of my life. While I loved the weather outside, I'm actually going to go outside and back. It is going to storm, which I think is gorgeous. It's like my favorite time ever. But I yeah. So like, I had this moment where I came face to face with sort of old conditions, like I hung out with people that I haven't seen in a really, really long time. And it felt so foreign to me because it was a vibrational match for like who I used to be a little bit. And so it was kind of disorienting because the way that I am vibrationally now is like very, very different. And so I sort of felt like, OK, so like, what does this mean? It's also going to start raining? No, it was so nice. But I also felt like, OK, like, what does this mean? And then I started talking to like one of my friends is literally my soulmate, like my other half. And he's like, yeah, no, that makes complete sense. It's literally how I feel right now being back in the city after such a long time, like since before New Year's and stuff like that. And so it's like sprinkling. Oh, gosh, it's gorgeous out here. I wish you guys could see it. You know what it's like about to storm, but like it's just the wind and clouds picking up. Oh, it's raining now, I think. This is literally just like out of a storybook. It's gorgeous out here. Oh, gosh. Hold on one moment, OK? So basically it was all dogs are barking because arthritis. But yeah, it was one of those moments where it's just like your old self, like it's just coming face to face with your old self in the form of old conditions that you used to be in. And I really hope this one just doesn't pick up that much. But like coming into like coming face to face with old conditions that you used to be in and these old conditions, nothing is bad about them. It's like an old self. Right? So this old self, this old you that you love so much, that loves you so much, has graciously handed over the keys to the new you to develop you. And these old selves and these new selves are really just like vibrational energetic fields whereby like the field that you were in before, like your old self, had a different vibrational resonance that had different aspects that different people at different experiences, that are different gifts, that had different teachers, all with the sole purpose under the Almighty to literally lift you into the next vibrational fields. Right. And these are all love. They're all doing the same thing. They're just using different aspects, different teachers, different people, different circumstances. And the higher and higher and higher you go, the closer and closer and closer you get to like the you know what I mean? And yesterday, I know this is so intentional because yesterday I came home and I meditated and I was like, you know what? Like, God, can I just, like, be attached to you? Like, I just want to be, like, attached, like, that's what I want. Like, my soul wants to cleave and attach on to you completely, 100 percent. And again, it's that idea of like each version of yourself serves you so beautifully, so intentionally. It's its job to elevate to school. And then you graduate and it sends you off with love into the next version of you, which that version of your job is also to love and accept. And it gets better and better and better. And your capacity for like holding lights and sharing it and allowing others to do the same increases and increases and increases. And there will come a time when this new version of you will also hand you off and will become the old version of you. But all at once, all happening all at once, all love, all in service to the Almighty and the purposes of God. And your skills and your talents and abilities are all being this is sacred work. This is like why we're here. I don't know. I just really wanted to share that. And this is the perfect medium because we now have this space where we can kind of just like talk. And I'm going to title this like some cheesy Drake line. Um, it is like five a.m.

in Toronto, but like really 6:

00 p.m. in the DMV.

That's good. OK, it's 6:

00 p.m. in the DMV. Um, and yeah, a lot of times I feel like we think about our higher selves guiding us through a linear path, like a horizontal path from left to right, from not so good to better, from not so good to better from not so good to better, better, better when actually it's more like the layers of the earth, you know, like one layer is a vibrational layer and then you ascend into the next that is higher up and these go up and up and up and up into the heavens. And even when you pass out of physical form, you're still playing this game of a vibrational resonance up and up and up and up and up. And it's gorgeous and stunning and beautiful. And you should just be filled with gratitude. I'm just like from the bottom of my heart, like everything to the top of my everything, just like filled with gratitude for the sacred work that I get to do. Like, this is so beautiful. And these teachers and circumstances and brilliance, you don't have to do anything for them. These are all provided for you from love through love to serve love like Happy Sunday, you guys. I love you. You are so loved and yeah, I'm excited. Well, hello everybody. It is Friday. Yeah, so it's Friday. I am not recording with a mic or anything, but I just wanted to sort of tie a loop. I was listening to the first part that you just listened to. And it's crazy how in the span of a week, like the energies and light guides and God and like everything will just like literally. Put a bow on it, you know, and so this morning I have been I think I want to talk about like how I'll tell you what I did this morning, don't worry. But like, how this idea of, like, kind of being in a constant state of like manifesting kind of like always manifesting and then. Balancing that with being present in the moment, and it has never really clicked for me, too, I just assumed, like, it's fine, like I can practice presidents half the time and then I can practice, like, you know, visualizing and, like doing all the stuff. That's why I didn't post visualization yesterday, because I'm having an existential battle. I love it, but I'm going to post it later this afternoon anyway I like. So it's like this I will show a diagram maybe or maybe it'll be in my I don't know where I'll put it, but basically you are sort of being called in by you. I mean, me and whoever else is resonating with this to and my hand is shaking. That's a lot. This means it's like a really charged message that's going to push through. But you're being charged to really just embody this new level of awareness that you have of all that is right. So you have the physical form, the physical like what is in this moment as you're sitting here as your listening and then the spiritual, obviously unseen, just as real and in that spiritual time does not exist. Time is a construct of the physical. Time is the spiritual is unbound by time. Therefore, it contains those past, present, future years to come, years gone, all of that variations of right now. And so really embodying the understanding that like everything is happening all at once, both this physical form and that future form, yet your presence is needed in. Presents like it's needed in. Right now, like this now moment as it stands, so you could argue that, like if you're consistently reaching out, consistently living in a future state, in your mind, daydreaming, which isn't bad at all, like you're then not really living in the present physical moment, or you could argue vice versa. But really, it's about living in that state of presence. Right. Because presence itself is a spirit. It's like a cloud. It sits across everything you've ever experienced and everything you will experience. But it's just in present awareness. It's just like aware of all of that is and I hope this is making sense because I'm trying to sort of like voice what came through. And it was literally this morning, like. I was writing the words down, but it wasn't me who was writing the words. It was as if a pen was just an instrument for what was being heard with ears in my spirit kind of thing. You feel like that, too? I don't know. It's a intimate arena there yet, but do you get what I mean? So, like, I think just like a take away, like you will get every single thing that you have seen because it's there. It's not even a question. You are to bring awareness to your present moment and gratitude and appreciation to it so that any lower vibrating frequencies that are still like living in this space are resolved so that when you do get to that next physical manifestation of the work that was constructed in the spiritual, you are then able to rule over the energetic space of this past version of yourself like I was talking about, kind of. And so just opening your eyes a little wider and I mean both your physical eyes and your spiritual eyes, like opening your eyes like a little bit wider to let your vision of this now moment encompass both the spiritual and its all capacity. And that's literally telling you to throw time out the window, which is hard for us to understand as an objective statement, because it's like very contrasting and contrary to what we understand as human beings and what the ego understands. But if you step out of it and I sort of picture myself, I always kind of like stepping out of my body as a spirit form and like standing on top of my head and then reaching up to all that I am, which is connected to all that is. And I am. I am. And all that good stuff. So I try to do that. I've been doing it kind of all day and I'm kind of obsessed with myself. So I know I'm pretty obsessed with myself, like I am very happy and very satisfied. Here's the information that I've been using. It's I am presents. I am free. Like presence is such a free like it is everything and everywhere all at once. And it's full of gratitude and appreciation. And if you just tune in to that frequency and vibe and rest in that frequency like. You'll be good. And your. Allowing I'm really getting to the bottom of lake. If this is like not fear, but this thing that I've been holding and I never put a name to it where it was like. Kind of reaching for. Visions of the future that you've seen through visualizing or through just like whatever and like wanting those over this present moment with this present moment also requires your presence and your awareness of presence to fully heal, integrate, fill in. You have to allow it to fill in. And by allowing it to fill in your just like think of it as a level mastered, it's filled in that new version of yourself is now master over the slower energy that was not aware of all that was like it didn't have that aware, it didn't have that capacity to see both physical and spiritual all at once kind of thing. And you just like rise higher and higher and your higher self is doing this to all aspects of you, both in the future and in the past all at once. And it's trying to sort of get you to like rule over this sort of that's why you're here. Oh, my God, it's insane how much I've gotten like. Download wise, and just like understanding wise and like opening the eyes of my industry, like the eyes of my understanding, are open, honey, OK, they're open and I'm just like sitting here like, OK, OK, OK, let me get my pen. Let me get my pen, let me get my voice note. And I'm happy that I can share it with you guys.