From Love Itself Radio

meet in the meadow

March 17, 2021
meet in the meadow
From Love Itself Radio
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From Love Itself Radio
meet in the meadow
Mar 17, 2021

in this guided visualization, you enter a space deep within yourself that shows you what your life is to become, what you are manifesting, and allows you to heal what is.  

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in this guided visualization, you enter a space deep within yourself that shows you what your life is to become, what you are manifesting, and allows you to heal what is.  

Is this recording case of welcome back to my Shanelle. My name is Gozo, actually did something a little bit different. I'm redoing everything, reading everything. And so a lot of my meditations will be on this channel as well as, like, the usual stuff. I hope you enjoy this meditation for best experience. Do it at night. It's really great. And it'll help you sort of become this like, really powerful manifesto and working on more visualizations and more stuff like that. And I just love you guys so much and thank you for existing and showing up and just being here. And I hope it's funny where you are and I hope your heart is like where you are. And if that is not, remember that you can always make it so by simply intend for it to be that way, OK. This we've enjoyed it and it's like we're on the precipice of something exciting. So yeah, enjoy highly, highly requested that we do a sort of longer meditation and. I'm ready, you guys are ready. It was meditation is going to help you relax, it's going to bring you closer to your stillness that's always in you and I hope you enjoy it and that you leave this session with more energy than you entered with. That was a prayer call. So let's do it for you to find somewhere comfortable to sit and somewhere preferably on the ground or as close to the ground as you can get. You can sit down and you can lay down. Doesn't matter either way. It's important to do this because you're. Best able to align our energy system with the Earth's energy system if we are directly connected to it. That's why walking barefoot feels so good when it's not gross. When you've done that, feel free to take a deep breath in. And a deep breath out. Deep breath in and a deep breath out. From the top of your head. Begin to instruct yourself to relax, throw a towel, your photo at the top of your head to relax. You can simply intended and you'll feel it happening. And then the space between your eyebrows. Down to your nose and your chin. Through your throat and your chest. Down to your belly. And your belly button. And all the way down here at. Take a deep breath and. Another deep breath out. I want you to picture yourself. Never really in a wide open field. Made completely of sunshine. Their trees, as far as your eyes can see. There's music that's playing as if it's placed in the air, in the particles around you, coming from all directions and from within you. And you're walking through this field and. Looking for the spots that you reserved for today that your soul has saved for you to sit upon as we do this exercise. And as you. Let your inner being guide you towards that spot. There is a breeze and it feels like the ocean is near and the sky doesn't seem to end or start anywhere. It's as if you're being carried. By your feet to the space in which you should sit and rest as you do this exercise. I'll give you a moment to find your spot. Now that you're here. You want you to. Feel the energy that's coming from the space that you're sitting. It's as if a waterfall is running from the top of your head. All the way down and through to the place in which you're sitting and it's continual and it's. Not stopping. The energy and light all around you is pouring into. Is pouring into the crown of your head and and flowing like a clear waterfall through the crown of your head. The space between your eyes. The back of your throat. Your heart space. Your chest. Here, Beli. The space below your belly. And into the ground beneath you, it's a continual feeling of energy, of light, like a waterfall. It's making a sound all on its own. This is an opportunity we're going to take. This is an opportunity we're going to take to. Leave our bodies where they are. On this rock anchored into the ground. And we're going to come back into the world, but not in the same time that we left it. We're going to go to a space. Where the version of you. That you left meditating. Is now living out all of the dreams and all of the plans and all of the desires that were placed within you. But yourself release from the version of you that is on the rock and begin to create with your mind and with your mind's eye. The scene before you of yourself. The version that has is. Fully realized in their abundance. In their capacity to love in their work. Begin to see the light if you'd like to see manifest and painted. With you at the center. What is this version of you? Doing in this moment, as you are looking in on the. I you're looking in on them, feel your connection to them, because they are you they are no different from you. What circumstances are they in? Create around them the life style that you believe that they live. T feel the joy coming off of stand. Do you feel the intense state of presence coming off of them that they're feeding from from this version of you as well that's looking in on them? Are they waiting for somebody? He wants you to focus heavily on. Extending your arms as you are in this form or extending passioned portions of your energy towards that person, that version of yourself. And be it as if you're able to see every. Part or portion of their mind in which there is uncertainty or doubt or worry or. The lack or if those conditions are present. And I want you to reach your energy towards them and. Fill every gap with light for that version of yourself. Take your time and doing this. Take one last look at the scene that you've created and lock it into your mind. We overplay it. Before we return to our bodies. Speaking of which. Pretend that you are in front of the version of you that's really meditating and the physical who you left behind before you came to this sunshine fields and wherever they are worried, wherever they are concerned, wherever there are gaps, wherever there is doubt and uncertainty and scarcity and limiting thinking. And what should I do the same for them? Reach out your hands, reach out your energy. And press yourself into. Not very, very subtle, filling all of the gaps and all of the knots of energy. Feel their gratitude coming from them, emanating from their body, how grateful they are that you've taken the time to do this for the. When you're ready, you move back from the House version of yourself and you can return to the Sunshine Field and. There is a love that grows on the trees here. In the clouds, breathe and laugh. Feel yourself returning into slowly the version of yourself that is seated and anchored in the waterfall of light that's coming down through their crown and through their center between their eyebrows. And they're there through and through their chest and their heart and their stomach and the area below their stomach. It's like a mighty rushing waterfall. If you would like take a moment to revisit that scene where the version of yourself that has everything locked together. Is simply being present in that version of the now and Glenn's briefly at the version of yourself that she left sitting and. It's as if there are two screens, the one on the left houses your future in times constructing, the one on the right houses, your present in time's construct, though you are outside of time. Use your energy to push the two screens together until they become one happening in parallel and feel the rush of energy that goes through your system as you mix these positive manifestations and positive feelings with the positive feelings and healing that you created for the version of yourself that is seeded. Feel free to take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. You have done incredible light work during this time, and for that I am eternally grateful for you. You are eternally grateful. To all that is, we are grateful. Feel free to return or remain in this field for as long as you'd like, where the air is sweet and the grass is soft and. This rock is supportive and strong and. The waterfall within you does not see it flows continuously, whether you are aware of it in your now moment or not. It does not see that does not stop. It is a waterfall that rushes from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and increases firmly into the ground beneath you energetically and otherwise. You're ready, you may return. And fries go up onto your feet and walk back through the door or the opening that was created for you to enter this. Field of sunshine and. Come back into your physical body, wiggle your toes, wiggle your hands. This body is simply a home for a portion of your consciousness, you exist within it and outside of it and all around it and in the air above and below and beneath and within. Take a deep breath and open your eyes and. I must say, you are so loved. OK, bye, guys. That was so fun, was that not fun? That was a good time. That was fun.