From Love Itself Radio

To wish to be well is a part of becoming well

April 14, 2024 Zozo Shumba
To wish to be well is a part of becoming well
From Love Itself Radio
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From Love Itself Radio
To wish to be well is a part of becoming well
Apr 14, 2024
Zozo Shumba

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In this episode, Zozo dives into heartbreak: what it truly is, why prioritizing your healing is important, and how to move forward. Zozo also guides you through a transformative visualization exercise to support your journey. Remember, healing is available to everyone who believes in its possibility and its alignment with their divine purpose. As always, please exercise caution while listening if driving or operating machinery.

Show Notes Transcript

subscribe to the from love itself newsletter for daily motivation  & like minded friends:


In this episode, Zozo dives into heartbreak: what it truly is, why prioritizing your healing is important, and how to move forward. Zozo also guides you through a transformative visualization exercise to support your journey. Remember, healing is available to everyone who believes in its possibility and its alignment with their divine purpose. As always, please exercise caution while listening if driving or operating machinery.

today this video this this episode has been for a very select very intentional very much Jesus knows who you are God knows who you are so he told me to do this for you specifically hey guys what's up welcome back to Frog Love itself hi how are you doing how was your week how was your weekend how was your day I realized the more that I do these so if you're listening to the podcast right now when I record these I do it with video 2 and so with the video I'm like my lip gloss is looking crazy I'm just realizing that my lip gloss be looking crazy so it's just you know I'm getting used to that anyway welcome back to friend love itself my name is Zozo and today I have something actually very serious to talk about oh my god it want to talk about this I really didn't but because I was put on my heart to talk about it I will talk about it first if you're not subscribed to a newsletter should be because I send daily encouragement through it share it with someone who may need it subscribe if you haven't subscribed do all of that because it's a blessing to me so it's probably a blessing to you because I even I receive all of the emails as well and I'm like oh okay thank you like that was a nice reminder today we're going to talk about heartbreak heartbreak heartbreak hotel I got this comment that was like oh like why do you switch through accent like we're switching accent like relax like if you're in it you're in it if you don't get it you don't get it okay like if you get it you get it if you don't get it you don't get it it's not for you to get like leave me alone I was so surprised because like I know you guys so usually the comments are like very like I know you guys like I usually the people that comment are people that I like know so that was weird that was weird that was weird okay so anyway I'm like reading this piece of paper because I came to me in a stream and usually when things come to me in a stream it's like maybe this is the format so we're walking through the format so anyway we're gonna talk about heartbreak today heartbreak heartbreak hotel what is heartbreak it's disappointment heartbreak is disappointment heartbreak is any situation anything anytime that disappoints you that lets you down that makes you feel like you are hopeless that there's no hope that there's no light there's no future there's nothing ahead of you it breaks your heart a situation a place a friendship a person a parent a circumstance a sibling it breaks your heart it leaves you in a place whatever happens leaves you in a place of disappointment disillusionment like you don't know what to do what's next and it's painful I remember there was like this thing that used to go around like back in the day when we had Tumblr and stuff where it was like um the pain of a heartbreak it's Lincoln it's like a thousand sons like like something so dramatic and so silly oh not silly but like so dramatic like did you know that like you can die from the pain of heartbreak or like they would pull up statistics of people that claim to have passed from that and it's probably true like it's not a joke like it's very painful but let me let me let me find the real definition I downloaded the Webster it's not even that funny but I downloaded the web series of and now I just feel like such a school up like you don't remember what I don't know in America we have the like you study for your SATs and so like that's like your college entrance or like your college aptitude test I'd I used to cram vocab like no other I don't know why but I used to literally want to be like Aquila in the be at this point because girl I was trying I was tryna try to go to the best of the best of the best anyway I went to the university of Maryland at the end of the day which is like was my last choice but the best choice was just goes to show that God's plan and program is always the one not the two crushing grief anguish or distress that is straight into the point literally one two three four words crushing grief anguish or distress heartbreak is crushing grief anguish or distress what is grief grief is a good one to look up grief is like mourning like you're mourning something when does this app have like crazy ads that's insane like I understand you're a lot of paid bills but you gotta pay the bills like dish like I'm not subscribing to a dictionary oh my gosh like let me go get me out of this ad you know the full body ads that like don't let you go this is what it's going on this is this is what is going on a deep or poignant distress caused by your as if by bereavement the cause of suffering it's distress like you are distressed okay so how does heartbreak happen please Lord give me the Grace cause I'm trying to give this how I got it because my point for today is that you don't have to live in heartbreak you don't have to stay there you will not die there and you will not die there you cannot die there because you have to go forward you have to move past it and it can be a statement when I say you have to move past it it can lift in you or an energy can arise in you and your belly that says how do I even do that it's stress immediate stress of like I can't I don't know how to move forward I don't know how to do this like I don't know how to like continue how can I like it makes you think like oh I have to do this by myself but I have an antidote honey I have an antidote antidote antidote antidote I have an antidote okay because I was healed with this God healed me of my heartbreak okay I had a lot of it you can a lot of things can break your heart a lot of things a lot of things a lot of things a lot of things a lot of things a lot of things for example this is why I didn't want to do this opposite because it's like I'm not even reading your eye because I don't want to talk about it with you people but like I think this is for the one the one person the one girl the one whoever is going to stumble across this and I wrote everything down like I said before and we're talking about this because God put it on my heart on my spirit to talk about this like earlier this week and I was like should I make a TikTok about it or should I like do a proper teaching on it and I think I should do a proper teaching on it but this isn't really a teaching it's more so like a a bat signal haha it's like a bat signal from the spirit of God because God wants to heal you and he wants to heal you more than you want to be healed and if you found this video it's because God wants you free from the crushing weight of heartbreak heartbreak is a weight it crushes you it sits on you it manifests in how you look how you feel how you relate with other people the relationships that you have in your life the opportunities that you have the work that you do you can feel a despondent spirit on a person when you see them and if you can feel it it's there like I can feel my phone because it's here in my hand it's palpable right so God wants you free from that and so here I am today talking about something that makes me feel so vulnerable like it literally makes me feel so I don't want to talk about it because it's like embarrassing but a bunch of people went through it so I don't think so so we talked about what heartbreak is already we talked about it being like disappointment hopelessness um grief all of these things but what can break your heart a lot of things can break your heart oh if you didn't know so I'm working on something very exciting for you guys but there's um when you look at scripture when you look at like a Bible the Bible and you'll get the Old Testament and you'll get the New Testament that's a collection of testimonies about God it's a collection of people who've met God seeing God it's God's heart it's his word it's what he said it's what he's given us and I won't go there just know that you can also have testimonies but it's not recorded in the Bible you can have testimonies of what he's he heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds

that's Psalm 1:

47 3 and the thing with yeah so just carry that with you he heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds what doesn't mean to be healed it's to be made whole again because your your state your natural state is wholeness you're not naturally you didn't come out at the womb broken hearted you came out like pretty perfectly perfect like you came out perfect from the womb your soul your spirit was perfect everything was perfect like you were like pristine like when you get a new car straight off of the factory line I don't know if that's how that still works but like you get a new car it's perfect it's perfect like there's nothing wrong with it there's nothing missing from it it's gorgeous stunning like we love it so that's just what it is it's just restoration to wholeness cause that's what you are like your heart is whole like you heartbreak is like a weird it's like a weird day how do I put this is like a weird like a wrecking ball like the building was fine then a wrecking ball came the building was fine then a wrecking ball came and made it not fine but today the building is going to be restored very quickly how does it happen how does heartbreak happen circumstances life people relationships all of this stuff like I'm just gonna paddle off like some things that broke my heart in the last like five years or so something like that got laid off really early on I work in tech like you guys know got laid off that broke my heart cause I realized a lot of my identity and confidence wasn't the work that I did which isn't true okay now that I know it's not true like I can be free that's what I thought honestly that's what I thought rejected rejected rejected rejected no one told me again in the situation you have to be drunk with so I don't know what like that was not sanctioned but like it happened and now that I'm like now that I've had like an awakening of sorts um or a coming back to my first first love which is Jesus actually discovering him and knowing him for myself because I didn't understand him I didn't know him I didn't get it I grew up in a Christian home obviously well I can't say obviously cause like I did not everyone does but I did but I didn't know God for myself I didn't even understand the whole Trinity situation I was like what are y'all talking about like yes I'll pray yes I'll do all these things but I don't get it but now I get it okay I get it I get it I get it I get it and if you're one of those people who doesn't get it I'll get you to get it don't worry just stay with me stay with me stay with me stay with me I got you we got this no one told me to get into a situation to begin with I was rejected I thought I was gonna like there's a certain level of Dulu that's just like insane I thought it was gonna like marry this person like that's so we like that was just like not it was founded on nothing like there is no basis you know people be like there's no basis for these allegations there's no basis for this like the Lulu fantasy land that I was living in none at all none at all none at all none at all none at all but I was in it but God heals me from the heartbreak of that situation completely totally like I can speak about it with all love all forgiveness because I've forgiven I've moved on my life is different I'm no longer that person he went through that and that's what happens when God heals you from heartbreak you become a new person you are no longer that person you no longer like the same things see the same things interpret things the same way like you're just a different person completely you're a different person completely have different taste you have different thinking your thoughts are higher your your walk is different your you look different I think I look a little different okay not just physically but like the energy around me is different because I'm different it's not me no I'm fine what else can break your heart growing up without a father because he passed away that that that'll break it that'll do it I'm not listing these things are saying these things to like talk about myself if that makes sense like I'm not saying these things to like hash out wax out you know like when you're having like dinner with your friends or like when you're with your friends and then someone just like starts going on and on about like their childhood trauma or like something that's like girl get like Ciao it happened okay it's over and done with like why are we still talking about this kind of thing it's like or they'll like bring up that one guy like they'll just like bring up something that's like we get it like we got it I'm not doing that for this I'm doing this that you understand that heartbreak isn't isolated to just relationships how your heartbreak is anything that crushes your spirit a little bit depresses it pushes it down disappoints you friendships ending can't lose weight trying to lose weight for years years years years years no one talks about this but it's pretty heartbreaking to like every other month you're like starting a new program or like your keto for like two days and then your like vegan for seven years and then you're like oh my god like I need to lose these all and you're trying to figure out how to lose all these lose all these like it's heartbreaking to always be trying and not succeeding and trying to figure out why that's happening it breaks your heart it crushes you failed out of my major yeah I got kicked out of computer science I ended up studying information science though so that's fine I guess all is well my point is lots of things can break your heart that's my point my point is lots of things can break your heart divorce kids leaving children in general behavior like there's a lot of things that can like shatter it okay and if you don't address it now it will keep flowing out of you and creating situations around you that are less than ideal it will keep doing that it'll keep doing that you'll keep running into the same people like you'll keep running into the same situations you'll keep attracting more to break your heart if you don't heal what needs to be healed God wants you to be healed because it's I don't really like to talk like this but like let me not even say I don't really like to talk like this baby there are things coming there are things coming there are things coming there are things coming you thought Covid was may anyone who lost their life during that rest in peace but you thought could was a thing lockdown was a thing there are things coming in the years to come sooner than we think that will require you to have a strong healthy heart not like eat cheerios I like eat cheerios and oatmeal healthy heart I mean like a spiritual heart like a strong one so that you can stand firm and not be crushed by the weight of all that is going to come to the earth you understand like I feel like I can talk to you guys because you understand these things and you understand that your place in life your your the life you wanna live is not exactly just for you it's for other people it's fixed into something else that's happening it's a wider thing who you are now is not who you will be a year from now who I am now is not who I'll be a year from now God willing while we're when we're still here if we're still here God willing will be higher our our our viewpoints will be higher our our perspectives will be higher our willingness to give will be higher our willingness to give of ourselves will be higher because that's the real gift when I say from love itself it's a pouring out of love because love pours out itself it does that it gives of itself again and again and again and again and again think about how the sun rises again and again and again think about who gave the sun and who created the the system of it to go or who created the earth to keep rotating as it's rotating so that the sun is not always in the same place so that everyone gets equal ox do you understand like God willing let's get back to the point um I'm getting a little distractees how is heartbreak healed heartbreak is healed through the removal of an extra obstruction like how is anything healed think about it you go to the doctor you go to the dentist let's say you have a cavity and this cavity is in your mouth and in as far as is this person healed or is this person not healed is concerned that person needs to have the dentist who is the healer remove the obstruction so that the tooth can heal itself so how do they remove the obstruction they either give you a filling they drill out the cavity first they always drill out the cavity first they'll give you a filling or you'll give you a crown etc but they'll have to remove where the decay has occurred heartbreak is the same way the decay has to be removed this is why it is a big lie to believe that you can heal yourself you can't heal yourself especially from things like addictions you cannot heal yourself because even think about like AA so AA is that program where you like go to I've never I don't know much about it so forgive me if I say anything that's like not what it actually is but like you go and it helps you to overcome your addictions to alcohol or whatever it works as a way to push out of you the obstruction which is the reason you drink that's the obstruction because if that wasn't there you wouldn't be doing it kind of thing and I know there's a lot of brain chemistry that like goes with it but like that's generally what it does that's what therapy does too you go there you chitchat you're on your computer you're in person wherever you do it and you talk through whatever is on your mind because the person who's sitting across from you the therapist is going to either give you a new perspective or a new way to look at things that alters how you look at it now so they're altering how you're looking at it now and that alteration is a lifting like they're they're either lifting your eyes from a certain place or they're lifting your perspective of it and replacing it with their perspective of it so anyway in any case they're removing the obstruction to the thing in any case that's what they're doing healing a broken heart is removing the obstruction removing the thing that the ramification or the the what is that called what's another word for ramification the effect of that event which is all of the emotional ties to it all of the pain that surrounds it all of the grief that surrounds at the disappointment that's what healing the obstruction is so I want you to take a moment and think about if this is like this is not an episode this is more like a little extra little class there's a little bit of a class okay like there's a little bit of a class like this is not really like an opposite episode but I want you to think about just like a few things that have broken your heart it's really important that your heart is whole because a whole heart attracts the perfect things for you and attracts the right things for you you know that saying words like hurt people hurt people or like attract what you are kind of thing like like attracts like this is true for absolutely everything this is how people end up like like 50 60 70 whatever age figure trying to figure out like where something went wrong or how they ended up in this situation that god doesn't want that for you doesn't want that for us doesn't want that for me doesn't want that for you he wants you to live a life that's abundant abundant abundant abundant supply that doesn't seize abundant by the way um by the way all of this stuff I'm talking about um so yeah like it's great at all but like if you haven't received like Jesus as your Lord and savior you can actually like get into any of this stuff you can actually like benefit from the exercise that we're gonna do just because uh it's not like an exclusive club thing more so that it's think about a trust fund so if you have a trust your anyway think about a trust fund so you a parent is not or like a whoever grandparent guardian whatever is not going to release a trust to just anybody they release it to because it's an inheritance so they're not gonna release it to anyone who doesn't have rights to the inheritance right like it whether it's your biological child someone who's I don't know earned favor with you whatever someone you really love you're not going to release that to them unless they are you're not going to release a portion of an inheritance that you've left to anyone who isn't considered to you someone who's close to you or like your child right so in order for you to receive this wonderful aspect of your inheritance you need to receive Jesus into your heart and it's really easy like you just say the prayer should we say the prayer together I'll find it need to receive Jesus into your heart because he loves you 1 2 like he wants you you come to the father through Jesus Jesus is your high priest he's your priest he's your intermediary he's the one who is kind of like you're the reason why you're able to come and approach God in general so you need to accept him into your heart if you haven't already we find a quick salvation prayer just like repeat after me Heavenly Father I come to you in prayer asking for forgiveness of my sins I confess with my mouth and believe with my heart that Jesus is your son I'll put this in the description box or I'll put it in the in the description period wherever you're listening to this or watching this whenever you're watching this I'm sorry and I ask you to forgive me I accept the fact that your Son Jesus Christ died for me was resurrected and is alive today and here's my prayers I now open my heart's door and invite Jesus and to become my Lord and my savior I give him control and ask what he would that he would rule and reign in my heart so that his perfect will will be accomplished in my life in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations now you can like access all of this stuff so so so so how is it healed Jesus is gonna heal you basically that's what's gonna happen God is near to the broken hearted he doesn't want you heals the broken hearted anywhere he sees the broken hearted he's healing because he doesn't want you to be broken hearted you don't need to live like this you don't need to live in a state you don't need to live in a state of grief you don't need to live in a state of despondency you don't need to live in a state of disappointment it's not the will of God for your life it's not the will of God for your life surprise God wants you healed more than you want to be healed it's not the will of God for your life for you to live disappointed and dejected continually no it's God's will for you to live in wholeness happy healthy full of fire for your life for excite excitement for your day like zest for life fulfillment like joy happiness like all of these wonderful things that's the will of God for you nothing else that is it this is literally like verbatim so have them list the events the things the situations that have broken your heart and this is going to remove the obstruction um to those events but you're gonna list all of those and then we're gonna do this meditation together first I'm gonna like speak over your head when I speak over your head a little where we do the meditation because this is a very important episode this is probably the most important episode I've ever recorded because this is the first time I've done something like this and the first time that I've gotten assurance from my Jesus my Jesus that he wants to do this today for you oh I'm smiling I'm smiling I'm smiling cause I'm so happy I can't wait let me tell you something heartbreak living in heartbreak is pain Spain without the s it is pain you do not have to live in pain and you will not live in pain that's not that's not any might have gotten used to it you might have gotten used to being disappointed by your parents by your siblings by your by people you've trusted by people you've given yourself to by people you met your life loving by companies jobs places institutions you've given your portion of your life to your life force energy the life the work you do is your like it's your life flood only to be disappointed by them but ends today no matter what happens no matter how it happens and no matter what circumstances occur you will be whole you will always be whole you will always be whole you will always be whole you will always be whole you will always be whole you will always be whole I think before I do this little speaking over your head anyone who's like a child of divorce specifically I'm not a child of divorce but if you are a child of divorce okay you need to and forgiveness has a hard time flowing or for anyone who's in a state of they think they did something wrong or did something to get to deserve what like there's the root of this this like ugly tree I'll call it ugly cause it's not cute okay like it's not cute it's not cute it's not cute at all and neither of its fruits its fruits are poisonous actually there is a root of like I did something wrong to deserve this or I did something to deserve this or I did something that were this is happening because of me this is happening because of me that idea that thought that seed that gets planted in the ground of your life the soil of your heart that grows this ugly tree that that automatically ascribes blame to yourself for what happened dude it's over that's finished okay so we're gonna pray for that to like be plucked up because I don't want it I don't wanna see it I don't want it in your heart I don't want it in my heart if it's there I don't want to even associate with it I don't wanna know what it looks like it doesn't belong in you it doesn't belong in your heart it doesn't belong in your mind it doesn't belong in your consciousness you should not be conscious of something like that that is never the case that is never the Lord I pray that whoever is hearing my voice whoever Lord wherever they have gotten this idea this wrong information that they did something wrong that they are at fault that they are the reason their life is the way that it is or that the heartbreak they've encountered is is there to blame for it Jesus please heal them the prayer faith shall save the second god shall raise them up raise up whoever is hearing me and whoever has the faith to release I have the faith that you will heal them that you'll do it that you will make them whole again that they will recognize themselves in the mirror as the young vibrant version of themselves pre heartbreak thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Jesus wherever their hearts are broken about their mothers wherever their hearts are broken about their fathers heal them Lord let that love be perfected the love the love the love the love that you've written for them let it be perfected the love that you have for them let it be perfected let them come into the awareness of that perfect love let their eyes open let their hearts open let their spirits open thank you Lord that we overcome by the power of the blood and the word of the Testament the word of your test of our testimonies thank you Jesus you won't struggle with this again so in Jesus name in Jesus name we pray name of God the Father God the son and of the Holy Ghost I pray amen so you won't struggle with this anymore you'll see you let it let it play out you'll see you'll see how it unravels and how it stops being it's almost like you're going to take your glasses off you're gonna take these glasses off that you've been wearing for so long that I've made you get into relationships that weren't good for you that made you get into friendships that weren't good for you that made you enter deals that weren't good for you that made you continue habits that you no longer wanted to do but you did them anyway it's going to end it's going to stop because of the power of Jesus I can't do anything you can't heal yourself that's why you've tried you've tried to ask a deck of cards if you've done this you've tried to ask a deck of cards how to heal you've tried to ask the stars you've leaned on astrology you've done energy healing you've tried if you've tried these things I did all these things okay let's just be honest I know like let's just be honest like I did all these things because I was looking for wholeness but it's only in one place the one who made you the one who was sent to save you this is why because God loves you because God loves you because God loves you because God loves you because God loves you because he loves you okay because he loves you because he loves you and love is an action that's why he told me to do this for you because he loves you like I said I didn't wanna do this I wanted to talk about like oh no getting fine for its for the summer time I something like dirt and on the shine like I wanted to talk about what I wanted to talk about anyway um he loves you okay cool and also like I have this book that I'm going to link below it's called Healing Thoughts it's a collection of sermons from William Branham who was a girl he was a man of God I'mma just say that period period finished end of story he was a man of God and there's a it's someone compiled a bunch of piece like snippets from his sermons I'm gonna put the one that really talks about and really helps you understand what it means for Jesus to heal you what it means to be healed what it means for the obstruction to be removed all of the like negative the negative emotions surrounding any harp I like I can't even talk about it cause I really think something happened I believe it I believe I believe that Jesus healed during this I believe that he healed someone I know he did I know he did I know he I know he did cause I feel it in my my belly okay period yeah so we're gonna do a visualization exercise I really hope you guys got something out of this it was a little different from our usual chitchats but I think it was what God wanted to do which is always more important than what I want to talk about because whatever I want to talk about is usually based on like girl like listen anything good in me if you see anything good in me it's the investment of heaven on me not me cause me on my own girl unimpressive not cute etc so let's do a little visualization exercise to really seal in everything that we've talked about done today whenever you're ready take a deep breath in take a deep breath out and I want you to picture a huge tree a massive tree as big as you can picture the ones that you kind of stand next to and you think wow or when you can see yourself standing next to you and you're saying wow it seems to stretch up and up and up and up enough and it seems to extend just as far in all directions it's huge now I want you to look down as if you're standing in front of the tree and notice the roots of the tree how thick they are how far they extend how you can even look behind you and see they're going far far far into the ground away from the tree itself extending so far I want you to see this tree as your experiences with heartbreak your emotions around at the people that broke your heart the situations that broke your heart the the seasons that broke your hearts the words that broke your heart stories that broke your heart the video you saw of a puppy falling broke your heart anything that broke your heart let them become branches of this tree let them become the branches of this tree and let the leaves be filled with all kinds of fruits that doesn't look appetizing smells a little bit it's just not what you want growing but it's growing the leaves heard that rotten there some are okay but not all of them then I want you to see the root of the tree the trunk of the tree the base of the tree is that belief that you have done something to deserve this done something wrong you were the cause of this the blame the words that you felt towards yourself you said towards yourself you believed you you the armor you built around yourself to protect yourself from heartbreak the reasoning for the armor all of it all of it all of it is the trunk of the tree all of it is the trunk of the tree hmm okay now imagine a massive hand a hand bigger than the tree itself you know how you pluck a blade of grass and you do it so easily or you pluck out a weed or you pluck out something from the ground you do it with ease you kind of just do it I want you to picture or like ahead of freckle like when you like pluck off ahead of freckle like you can just easily take it off that kind of thing picture this massive hand this hand is flaming with pink flames white flames you know it's a hand but it's obstructed by the flames the flames are orange the flames are blue they're multicolored it seems like there's almost like a rainbow of flames but it's not burning you in fact you're kept a bit away from everything all you feel radiating from those flames is love and peace and gentleness and mercy all you feel is love coming from those flames but it seems like everything around the hand is burning it's burning but it seems like everything around the hand is burning it's burning it's burning and the hand grabs the trunk of a tree and it just yanks it up pulls it out of the ground squashes it burns it it's no longer there and its place and its place and its place and its place and its place and its place apple trees are growing a lot of them a lot of apple trees are growing beautiful apples all kinds of apples beautiful apples all kinds of apples are growing tall ones short ones red apples green apples all kinds of fruits all kinds of fruits all kinds of fruits are growing tropical fruits apple trees are growing grapevines are sprouting all kinds of fruits are growing there is a soft dew on the leaves of these fruit trees fruit shrubs vines that are growing soft dew the love of god is with you as you enter this week as you enter the next few days as you enter this new phase of your life do this exercise as many times as you need to spend time identifying the branches because they've been uprooted it's already been done if you need to convince yourself of it more to increase your faith of what's been done so that you can tell other people about it do this exercise again do this exercise as many times as you need to but just know that today this video this this episode has been for a very select very intentional very much Jesus knows who you are God knows who you are so he told me to do this for you specifically specifically specifically specifically I may not know you but your daddy does your father does okay period hey you guys um I will see you next week I wonder what we're gonna talk about next week but I love you so so much be sure to subscribe